Preparing a child for college may be a rewarding, but worrisome, time for you and your family. Although you know that an education is “priceless” you cannot help but notice how large the price tag actually is. This may leave you with many questions regarding college financing for your child. The U.S. government has established an Internet resource for such a need. The website, https://www.ed.gov/college , gives information on college costs, and you can even apply for financial aid online.
Retirement Planning Resource
Finances are a large part of the retirement equation and trying to keep up with the latest information is almost impossible. However, the Administration on Aging, a division of the Department of Health and Human Services, has made this process a little easier. You can now have a free electronic newsletter sent to you via e-mail containing the most recent information pertaining to retirement, including finances. For more information and to subscribe, visit their website at https://eldercare.acl.gov
IRS Suggests. . .
Filing your income taxes may be a task that you put off until the last possible moment due to the potential paperwork. However, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), has attempted to make this process less cumbersome by suggesting the IRS-endorsed 2001 Federal Tax Products CD-ROM. This disc is offered relatively inexpensively by the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). For details on how to obtain this potentially useful tool visit the IRS online at www.irs.gov.